When I fractured my skull on the pavement and damaged my temporal lobe, being a person became frighteningly and overwhelmingly incomprehensible to me.
I sought refuge in the alteration of my consciousness and contemplation of the fractal minutiae of existence. What this looked like in practice fluctuated a lot, with catastrophic results, until one day I had the good luck to be painting under the influence of an acid trip. Suddenly things made sense. By finding my identity in the union of the mind with the chaos of the paint, I was reborn.
I began painting constantly, and the more time I spent in that process, the more powerful I became. My art bridged the impossible gap between myself and worlds I hadn't previously understood. And then I began to do this with others, and saw that I could share an unexpected and sometimes extraordinary privilege.
I’ve always been fascinated by the complex beauty that arises from entropic processes.
From water erosion carving canyons, to the subtle harmony of marks of wear and tear on human creations, to life itself, the intricate offspring of chaos provokes a spiritual sense of wonder in me. I’ve devoted my life to a meditative study of this phenomenon, seeking to deepen and communicate my intuitive connection to the unseen mathematical forces that shape reality.
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